What's On
Monday nights at the Youth Centre provides a full programme of a range of dynamic and fun-filled activities. It is an opportunity to meet with friends who have gone to different schools so that relationships are maintained after Year 6. Our members attend various schools including independent, grammar, secondary and Special Schools in and around the area. The evenings can be noisy (up to 80 plus young people each session), especially during the famous 'Monday Night Challenge' but there is ample time and opportunity for quieter activities and discussions. Monday night's are led by Shona Hunter-Singh, Maddie Jensen and Megan Thomas.
Thursday nights at the Youth Centre are punctuated with high octane energy as members enjoy a feast of different activities, programmes and creative events. The internet cafe is particularly busy as is the Sports court. The atmosphere is leisurely but can be very energetic especially during the 'Thursday Challenge' sessions. A number of activities are extremely popular with this group - especially sumo wrestling and inflatables. The volunteers provide superb support and are always available to talk to and seek advice.
The Thursday Night Team Leaders are Matt Young and Adrian Thorp.
The Chalfont St Peter Youth Centre provides an action packed programme of structured and 'open' style activities. These include:
Xbox 360
Air hockey
Table football
Sports court (basketball and football)
Tuck shop
Film production
Music Quizzes
Physical and Mental Challenges
Talent events
Inflatable obstacle course
Sumo suits
Sporting events i.e. Cricket, Football, Basketball
Board Games
Table Tennis
Group Challenges

The activities are varied and will meet the needs of all who wish to attend. There are also opportunities to speak with the volunteers about any issues that may be of concern.
There is a £1 entry cost for each attendance and a £10 per annum membership cost for those who wish to become members after having visited the centre on two occasions. The majority of income that the Chalfont St Peter Youth Centre receives is from grants but a significant amount is raised through fund raising. The weekly entry fee and the annual subscription income is ploughed back into the Youth Centre to provide and enhance the resources to support the delivery of excellent youth work in our community. Given its 'inclusive policy' no young person will be denied access because of affordability. Sensitive arrangements will be put in place where and when necessary.
Affiliated to NACYP and UK Youth | Registered Charity No: 300240
© 2021 Chalfont St. Peter Youth Centre. All rights reserved.
Tithe Barn, Sandy Rise
Chalfont St. Peter
Bucks SL9 9TR
Tel: 01753 883712